Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Nate!

I can't believe it's been a whole year that we've had this little guy in our lives! We hope you have a great day, buddy! Here's some of our favorite things about Nate:
1. His high-speed crawl
2. How he brightens up and says "da-sa-sa" when he sees the dinosaurs on his wallpaper border
3. The way he points at everything and babbles like you know what he's saying
4. The way he tries to chase his brothers but can never catch them
5. How much he loves to be outside
6. His never-ending appetite for any type of food
7. His blonde bangs hanging in his eyes
8. His big blue eyes
9. His happy clapping
10. His enthusiasm when he greets can never get tired of that!


Stacey said...

Yeah, that smile and ENORMOUS blue eyes are dangerous... They are even more potent because he doesn't yet fully realize their power :)

Happy Birthday, Nate!

Herlehy Family said...

I love his big blue eyes! Happy Birthday, Nate!

Laurie said...

I agree! He is so dang adorable! I LOVE the da sa sa! I am so glad you wrote that down. Now it is saved as a memory forever! CUTE!

Jena said...

Miiiiiiiiiiine! I love Nate! He's so sweet! :D Happy birthday from Aunt Jena!

Jamie said...

Cute cute-- I like the "da-sa-sa"

Herlehy Family said...

I am still on shock that Nate is one! I just tagged you on my blog.